Managing Reservations
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How To Make Changes to an Existing Reservation: Changing the Discount Type

Guests may qualify for a discount on their reservation through various means, such as RV club membership, military service, promotional codes, or other special conditions. Here's how to add or modify a discount on an existing reservation.

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  1. After finding the reservation and opening it to view, locate the "Edit" button at the top right of the Reservation sidebar (also known as a drawer).
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  2. Click the "Edit" button. A window called "Edit Reservation" will appear.
  3. Scroll down to the box labeled "Discount" and click on it to reveal a dropdown menu with various discount options.
  4. From the dropdown list, select the appropriate discount type. 
    Note: Keep in mind that discounts may not be applicable to all site types or lengths of stay.
  5. Once you have selected the discount and inputted the membership number, click the "Save" button in the lower right-hand corner.
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  6. A window will pop up asking, "Please Confirm. Do you want to re-rate before saving?" Click "Yes" to update the total price with the discount or "No" if the rates should stay the same.
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  7. The "Edit Reservation" window will close, and you’ll return to the Reservation drawer. 
  8. The change will be noted in the "Reservation Activity/Activity Feed" section, which you can find under the "Details" tab.
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  9. If you chose to re-rate, the new charges will be listed under the "Billing Details" section, which you can find by clicking the "Billing" tab.
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  10. To leave or close the Reservation drawer, just click anywhere outside it.