Managing Reservations
  1. Indio
  2. Managing Reservations

How To Find a Reservation

Finding a guest's reservation is key for things like checking details, making changes, or helping with check-ins and check-outs. There are two main ways to do this: using the "Dashboard" and the "Front Desk."

Option 1: Using the Dashboard

  1. Find the Dashboard
    1. Look for a menu on the left side of your screen.
    2. Click on "Dashboard."
      1. If you don’t see it, click on "Back" at the very top of the menu list to return to the main menu and then click on “Dashboard.”
        indio Dashboard
  2. Locate Reservation Lookup
    On the Dashboard, you’ll find a section labeled "Reservation Lookup."
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  3. Search for Guest
    Type the guest's name in the box under the “Reservations” label. A dropdown menu will appear with possible matches based on what you’ve typed.
  4. Select and View Reservation
    Click on the guest's name from the dropdown list. The guest's reservation details will slide out like a drawer from the right side of the screen, where you can view and edit the information.
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  5. Exit or Close:
    To close the Reservation drawer, just click anywhere outside it.

Option 2: Using the Front Desk

  1. Find the Front Desk
    1. Look for a menu on the left side of your screen.
    2.  Click on "Front Desk." 
      1. If you don’t see it, click on "Back" at the very top of the menu list to return to the main menu and then click on “Front Desk."
        Front Desk Indio
  2. Go to Reservations
    1. A menu will drop down.
    2. Click "Reservations."
  3. Pick Your View
    You can view reservations in three ways: List View, Chart View, and Map View.
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    1. Find a Reservation Using the List View
      Why Use It: The List View lets you see many reservations at once. It's great for when you need to find a reservation quickly and don’t know where the guest's site is located.
      1. Click "List" at the top left.
      2. Type the guest's name in the Search box.

      3. A list will appear showing all the reservations of that guest.
      4. Use the date box below the Search box to pinpoint the reservation by its start and end dates. Click 'start” and pick the start date of the reservation on the pop-up calendar.  Then, pick the end date of the reservation.
        Note: If you're not sure about the exact dates, you can select a date range to narrow down the search. Also, make sure that you have selected “All” from the list located just below the Filters box.
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      5. The list will update to show only reservations within those dates.
      6. Click the “Confirmation” number of the reservation you are looking for to view the reservation information.
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      7. The guest's reservation details will slide out like a drawer from the right side of the screen, where you can view and edit the information.
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      8. To close the Reservation drawer, just click anywhere outside it.
    2. Find a Reservation Using the Chart View
      Why Use It: The Chart View provides a structured look at reservations, making it easier to manage multiple bookings. This is useful for getting an overview of how booked the park is for a given time period.
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      1. Click the "Chart" tab located at the top left.
      2. Click the date(s) next to the Search box (in the upper left-hand corner) and select the start date of the reservation you are looking for in the popup calendar. Use the extended options (Day, 2-Week, Month, 2-Month) to expand the date range displayed.
      3. Enter the guest's name in the Search box. Only reservations for that guest will appear in the Chart.  If you are still unable to find the reservation,  use the “<” and “>” symbols to view earlier or later dates.
      4. Click on the desired reservation block on the Chart to view its details.
      5. A sidebar/drawer will slide out from the right, displaying reservation information that can be viewed or edited.
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      6. To close the Reservation drawer, just click anywhere outside it.
    3. Find a Reservation Using the Map View
      Why Use It: The Map View is ideal for locating guest reservations in the park, useful for organizing group reservations in proximity or selecting sites near specific amenities, like pools or bathhouses, according to guest preferences.
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      1. Click "Map" at the top left.
      2. Adjust the arrival and departure dates (located in the lefthand corner) to locate the specific guest's stay period.
        1. Click the first date and pick the start date of the reservation on the pop-up calendar.  Then, pick the end date of the reservation.
          Note: If you’re not sure about the exact dates, you can select a date range to narrow down the search.
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      1. The map will update, showing sites in the park as reserved or open.  
      2. To view details on any site, click on one. A window will pop up with information on the type of site and site number. 
        1. If the site is reserved, it will also detail the dates booked and the guest's name. Click “View Reservations” for more information on the guest booking. The guest's reservation details will slide out like a drawer from the right side of the screen, where you can view and edit the information.
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        2. If the site is available to reserve and a guest would like to reserve that spot, you can begin the booking process by clicking the “Create Reservation” button. This will open a new window for creating a reservation.
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