Managing Reservations
  1. Indio
  2. Managing Reservations

How To Find a Quote

Sometimes, guests ask about staying but don’t book right away because they want an estimate of their stay's cost. When they’re ready to finalize their booking, you"ll need to find their quote. Here's how to do that:

  1. Get to the Front Desk:
    1. Look at the menu on the left side of your screen.
    2. Click on "Front Desk."
      1. If you can’t see "Front Desk," click "Back" at the top to go to the main menu. Then, click "Front Desk."
        Front Desk Indio
  2. Click on Reservations:
    1. A new menu will show up. Click on "Reservations."
  3. Pick the List View:
    1. You’ll see three ways to look at reservations: List, Chart, and Map.
    2. Click on "List" at the top left.
      Screenshot 2024-01-29 111313
  4. Search for the Guest:
    1. There's a "Search" box under the "List" tab. Type the guest's name, related to the quote there.
    1. Below that, there's a place to pick dates. Click "Start" and choose the start date of the guest quote on the pop-up calendar. Then, pick the departure date.
      Note: If you're not sure of the dates, pick a range. Also, make sure you've clicked "Quoted," located further down, below the "Filters" box.
      Search and Quote-1
  1. Look at the Quote Details:
    1. A list will refresh and show (a) quote(s) from those dates for your guest.
    2. Find the quote you want and click its "Confirmation" number.
      Confirmation number
    3. The details of the guest's quoted reservation will slide out from the right side of the screen, much like a drawer. You can view, change, or convert the quote into a reservation. 
      Quoted Reservation
  2. Close the Details:
    1. Done looking? Click outside the details drawer on the right, and they'll go away.