Managing Reservations
  1. Indio
  2. Managing Reservations

How To Create a New Reservation

Whether you're assisting a guest at the front desk or taking a call-in reservation, the steps outlined below will provide a clear path to navigate the reservation process.

  1. Access Reservations 
    1. Find "Front Desk" on the left-side menu.
      1. If it's not visible, click "Back" to return to the main menu, then select “Front Desk.”
    2. Under “Front Desk,” click "Reservations."

      Front Desk Indio
  2.  Start a New Booking
    1. Look for the "CREATE NEW" button at the top-right corner of the page and click it. This will open a new window for creating a reservation.
      Create New
    2. The window will open with the “Reservation” tab already selected, ready for you to start entering the booking details.

      Creat Reservation
  3. Identify the Guest
    1. If the guest is returning, start typing their name in the “Reservation Guest” box. When the name shows up in the dropdown list, click on it.
    2. For new guests: 
    3. Click the “Add Guest” option that shows up when you click in the “Reservation Guest” box. 
      Add Guest
      1. A new window will appear. Type in the guest's first and last name, phone number, email, and mailing address in the provided boxes. The system will auto-fill the country, state/province, and city fields when you enter the zip/postal code.
        create guest

        Note: Right after entering the mailing address, you’ll see  a checkbox labeled "Use Mailing Address as Billing Address.” If the guest's billing address is the same as their mailing address, make sure this box is checked. To check or uncheck the box, simply click inside it. If the billing address is different, uncheck this box. Once unchecked, fields will appear where you can enter the distinct billing address details.

        Mailing Billing Address
      2. Scroll down in the form to input details about the guest's equipment, such as RV Type, length, towing vehicle, RV slide location(s), and electrical service.

        Note: For the RV Length, type in the length in feet. But for fields like RV Type, Towing, RV Slide, and Electrical Service, a dropdown menu will appear when you click inside each box. Click the option that corresponds to the guest's equipment information. In the case of RV slides (e.g., driver, passenger, rear), you may select multiple options if applicable.

        RV Slide Multiple Choices
      3. Click "Save” to return to the “Create Reservation” view.

        Note:  At a minimum, the guest's first name, last name, and phone number or email must be filled in to save the profile.
  4. Fill in Stay Details (Continuing on the “Create Reservation” window)
    1. Equipment Information:
      1. Click the “Edit Vehicle Details” link next to the “Reservation Guest” label to check or change equipment details.
        Edit Vehicle Details
      2. Click on each box and fill in the correct information—RV Type, RV Length, RV Slide, Towing Vehicle, and/or Electrical Service. Most boxes have a dropdown list to choose from. In the case of RV slides (e.g., driver, passenger, rear), you may select multiple options if applicable.
      3. For the RV Length, you'll need to type in the length in feet.
      4. Click outside the window to close. Any changes made are saved automatically.
    2. Booking Dates:
      Click on the "Arrival Date" box. A calendar will pop up. Click the arrival and departure dates for the guest's stay.
    3. Guest Count:
      Click on the “Guests” box. Fill in the number of adults, kids, and pets for the reservation using the up and down buttons or typing the number in each box.
    4. Site/Site Type Selection:
      Click on the “Site/Site Type” box and choose a site from the available choices. 
      Note: You can lock in this choice by clicking the "Lock site?" check box above the “Site/Site Type” field. A window will pop up explaining that a fee will be charged with this action and if you would like to continue. This fee can be preset for Front Desk use.
      Lock In and Site
    5. Rate/Rate Type Selection:
      1. Next, click on the “Rate” field and choose the option from the dropdown menu that matches the site type.
      2. If the stay is longer than 7 days, clarify the type of stay by clicking the box for “Rate Type” and selecting daily, weekly, or monthly.  This will help calculate the appropriate rate.
        Rate Type
      3. A list of itemized charges, including taxes or resort fees (if applicable), will appear in the lower right-hand corner of the “Create Reservation” window. 
        Note: For special circumstances, the base price (meaning daily, weekly, or monthly initial rate) can be adjusted by clicking on the "Rate Override" box and typing in the new base rate. Ensure you have permission to override rates.
  5. Payment 
    1. Discounts:
      To apply a discount to your reservation, click the "Discount" box. A dropdown menu will appear, displaying available discounts for your stay type. If applicable, pick the appropriate discount. The total reservation charges will recalculate based on the discount applied.
      Set-Up Tip:  Discounts only show up in the drop-down if they are associated with the rate AND set for Front Desk use.
    2. Payment Details: 
      1. Click the “Payment Method” box. A menu will appear. 
      2. Select the payment method the guest will be using to pay for the reservation: cash, check, or credit card.
      3. For Cash Payments :
        1. Select "Cash" from the dropdown.
        2. Under "Payment Amount," you have 3 options: 
          1. If the guest is paying the deposit due, click "Due Now," and the partial amount will automatically show up in the "Payment Amount" box.
          2. If the guest is covering the entire reservation cost, click "Full Amount,” and the total amount will automatically show up in the "Payment Amount" box.
          3. If the guest is paying a different amount, other than the deposit or full cost, click "Other" and then type the amount being paid in the “Payment Amount” box.

      4. For Check Payments:
        1. Select "Check" from the dropdown.
        2. Type the check number in the provided box.
        3. Under "Payment Amount," you have 3 options:
          1. If the guest is paying the deposit due, click "Due Now," and the partial amount will automatically show up in the "Payment Amount" box.
          2. If the guest is covering the entire reservation cost, click "Full Amount,” and the total amount will automatically show up in the "Payment Amount" box.
          3. If the guest is paying a different amount, other than the deposit or full cost, click "Other" and then type the amount being paid in the “Payment Amount” box.

      5. For Credit Card Payments:
        1. If the guest has made a previous reservation, their credit card might already be saved in the system. Check the dropdown menu for any pre-existing credit card details.
          1. If the guest's card appears in the dropdown and they wish to use it for the current payment, click it.
          2. Under "Payment Amount," you have 3 options:
            1. If the guest is paying the deposit due, click "Due Now," and the partial amount will automatically show up in the "Payment Amount" box.
            2. If the guest is covering the entire reservation cost, click "Full Amount,” and the total amount will automatically show up in the "Payment Amount" box.
            3. If the guest is paying a different amount, other than the deposit or full cost, click "Other" and then type the amount being paid in the “Payment Amount” box.
              Credit Card
        2. If the dropdown menu does not include a credit card already listed or if the guest wants to use another card than the one listed, click "Add Card" at the bottom of the dropdown menu.
          Credit Card 2 
          1. A new window titled "Create Credit Card" will appear.
          2. In this window, type in the following details:
            1. Cardholder Name: Type the name as it appears on the card.
            2. Card Number: Input the 16-digit card number without spaces.
            3. Expiry Date: Type in the month and year the card expires (2 digits for month and 2 digits for year)
            4. CVC Code: Enter the 3 or 4-digit security code found on the card.
              create cc
          3. To set this as the guest's main payment method, click the small circle under "Make Primary." The circle will slide to the right, and the area around it will turn from gray to orange, signaling that this card is now set as the primary one for use.
            Credit card3
          4. To save the card for record-keeping, click the sentence “Save credit card for historical purposes only." A check mark will then appear in the box next to this option, indicating that the card is kept on file.
            create cc2
          5. Confirm the details by clicking the “Save" button in the lower right-hand corner.
          6. The “Create Credit Card” window will disappear, and you’ll be back at the “Create Reservation” screen.
          7. If not already selected, click the credit card the guest would like to use from the “Payment Method” box.

          8. Under "Payment Amount," you have 3 options:
            1. If the guest is paying the deposit due, click "Due Now," and the partial amount will automatically show up in the "Payment Amount" box.
            2. If the guest is covering the entire reservation cost, click "Full Amount,” and the total amount will automatically show up in the "Payment Amount" box.
            3. If the guest is paying a different amount, other than the deposit or full cost, click "Other" and then type the amount being paid in the “Payment Amount” box.
    Credit Card
    Note: If the payment is less than the total due, the system will let you know.
  6. Final Review and Confirmation
    1. Include “Additional Notes” if needed. To do this, click in the “Additional Notes” field to begin typing.
    2. Review all details to ensure accuracy. 
    3. Click the "Save" button to confirm the reservation. 
    4. Receipt Delivery: Now, a window displaying the guest's reservation receipt will appear, and you have the option to print or email the receipt to the guest. 
    5. Once emailed or printed out, you can exit the reservation receipt by clicking the X in the upper right-hand corner of the window or clicking the button “Close” in the lower right-hand corner.